Bull markets climb a wall of worry.(多頭總在恐懼中繼續攀升)
I'm not quite sure where the supply is coming from that would cause the bull market to end. (供給量並沒有大量竄升)
Nothing goes up 12 years in a row without a down year. Now in those 12 years, gold only had one correction of 30 percent. Most markets correct 30 or 40 percent every year or two. So the anomaly was how strong gold was for 12 years(奇怪的不是最近金價修正了35% 而是為何黃金如此強勁走了12年多頭後才開始修正...)
All these things will end in a bubble some day. Long bull markets always end in a bubble or mania before it’s over with. That hasn't happened yet.(黃金多頭還未結束)